Is Voting Important? Students Weigh In

NATALIE ORSI: With the 2018 midterm elections finally winding to a close, On the Record asked members of the Georgetown community to express some of their thoughts and opinions on the importance of voting.

We surveyed six students, all of whom gave their input on this year’s electoral contest. Four of them said that they voted for Democrats all the way down the ballot, while one respondent voted straight-ticket for the Republicans and another chose not to vote straight-ticket. Each participant chose to vote in their home race rather than in Washington, D.C., which held elections for local offices and a delegate in Congress without full voting powers.

Because voting itself has become a topic of controversy, particularly among younger generations, who vote at lower rates than the average American, we asked respondents to weigh in on whether voting is important and why.

One Hoya who believes President Donald Trump is ruining the country said that by voting we have a chance to fix the problems he’s creating. “Crazy people vote which means sane people have to counter them,” said another respondent.

Ben Tauber, SFS ‘21, said he is still convinced voting makes a difference. “In a world of dark money, it is the only way the voice of the average American can be manifested into effective action,” Tauber said.

Another member of the community added, “Voting is your way to have an impact on how the government works.”

Here’s my take: It is important to recognize that voting is a privilege. Our country gives its citizens a chance that many millions of people around the world never experience: the power to instill input on the highest power in the country. You, as a citizen, have the right to a vote and no matter where you live, your opinion still has an impact no matter the outcome.