Should President Joe Biden Seek Reelection in 2024?
Photo via the Associated Press
Dhruv Shah (SFS ‘26): No. As a progressive, I want to see a new leader, a new face of the party run in 2024. Biden has exceeded my expectations for his presidency with the Inflation Reduction Act, student debt cancellation, etc. However, the expectations were set really low, especially when he said he would veto Medicare for All if Congress passed it. Biden always said he was a transitional president and now I think it is time for Democrats to make an affirmative decision on whether we are the party of the multiracial working class of this country or the elites.
Jacob Brown (CAS ‘26): Yes he should. I am generally sympathetic towards the argument that Democrats should get a newer/younger party head. However, for as much as we focus on big policy ideas during campaigns, much of governing is the slow boring work of shepherding hundreds of federal agencies towards important goals. While I have no doubt that there are many democrats capable of fulfilling this role, President Biden’s long experience around the federal government makes him particularly well-equipped. Meanwhile, many of the other potential challengers could run in the future after acquiring more experience in this critical task.
Zach Fotiadis (SFS ‘24): It depends. As a moderate, I appreciate Biden’s record of overseeing numerous bipartisan legislative accomplishments. However, I have concerns regarding his age and electability, especially considering the potential stakes of the 2024 race. If Trump becomes the clear Republican front-runner, I believe Biden should throw his hat in the ring. If Haley, DeSantis, or Ramaswamey take the reins, it may be best for him to step aside.
Arjun Narayan (SOH ‘25): Yes, Biden should run again in 2024 given that he still possesses the best chance to defeat the Republican candidate, whether it be Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump. His legislative record in office is something certainly to be heralded and he still has a likability with suburban and Rust Belt voters that may otherwise vote for the Republican Party.
Mia Young (SOH ‘23): As a progressive, I don’t think it’s worth arguing one way or another. If Biden decides to run again, we need to rally behind him. There is too much at stake for the party to be divided in 2024.
Zane Nagel (SFS ‘26): I am an independent and I believe President Biden should run in 2024. He has delivered tangible results for the American people. He has developed a bipartisan record working to develop America’s infrastructure and technology industries and has led an unprecedented period of European unity to aid Ukraine in its fight against an autocratic aggressor. There is no clear, better alternative and President Biden has displayed the competence and grace to be an effective President.
Ryan Reamy (SFS ‘26): Yes. Biden should seek reelection in 2024 because he is the Democrat who has the best chance of winning against whoever the Republican Party nominates. Other more progressive candidates like Bernie Sanders or Pete Buttigieg would likely struggle in our Electoral College system for being too ambitious in their goals and not seeming like an appealing choice to the broader American public. While Biden is by no means perfect, he has successfully signed into law several impactful pieces of legislation with bipartisan support and has the experience to warrant another term in office.
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